By Joaquín Saldaña, Strategy Marketing Director at Huawei Latam
The conservation of the planet is a global priority and telecommunications are useful to face this great challenge. There are many initiatives that ICT providers carry out, from technological development to reduce the carbon footprint of communications networks, to actively participating in specific multidisciplinary conservation projects.
Join us this July 26 to talk about the Asian Big Cat conservation project. The tiger has declined in population in recent years and, through an innovative cellular communications network, the environment is being monitored and, more importantly, videos of the animal's behavior in the area are being acquired. We will talk about the implementation of a cellular network in the 700 Mhz band with low environmental impact using the existing infrastructure of surveillance towers in the area, which serves as a base for the operation of environmental monitoring devices and high definition video cameras.

We will also comment on how Cloud technologies and services, and especially Artificial Intelligence developments, are making it possible to increase the knowledge of the habits of big cats. In real time it is possible to know the location of the animals, their relationships with other species, how they interact with each other, etc.; all this thanks to Artificial Intelligence, which analyzes thousands of hours of videos, facilitating the work of study and analysis of conservationists.
Cellular technologies, Cloud and Artificial Intelligence allow us to have an intimate understanding of these species and their ecosystem, drastically reducing human intervention in the territory. Respect for the environment and animal life at its best, and through technology achieve total immersion within this natural ecosystem.
Nevertheless, the benefits of this project are not limited to the Big Cats, since all the information and videos collected are contributing to the knowledge and preservation of other endemic species; technological projects that have an impact beyond the primary objective are fundamental to advance in the conservation of all the species with which we share the Earth.
We look forward to discussing this project and the importance of the use of Artificial Intelligence for the conservation of the planet.
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